Cost: R 3800.00


This course provides divers with the knowledge and skills needed to manage risks and effectively handle limited in-water problems and diving emergencies. This includes: diver assists, transports, surface rescues and rescues from depth involving both boat and shore-based skin and scuba divers.

Note: Adult CPR training (approximately four hours) meets the requirement for Rescue Scuba Diver certification. However additional CPR training that includes two-person CPR and the use of rescue breathing barrier devices, e.g., pocket masks, face shields are required to meet the requirements for NAUI leadership certification.

  • Graduates are considered competent to perform assists and rescues in open water provided the diving site and diving situations approximate those of the course.
  • Minimum age is 15 years for this program.

Breakdown of what to expect:

  • This course consists of two parts, Rescue and First Aid.
  • The course can be presented in one of three ways, depending on the student’s preference:
    1. ± four classroom lectures
    2. e-learning using the website
    3. Combination of e-learning and classroom lectures.
  • A minimum of one qualification dive is required.
  • The student will be required to complete a formal exam, which can be:
    1. Classroom – written exam.
    2. Classroom – oral exam.
    3. Online exam using the e-learning material.
    4. Practical CPR exam (single rescuer)


  • NAUI activation code for the Rescue Scuba Diver & First aid electronic learning material.
  • Final Exam – Either online or Classroom
  • Credential Card – (Electronic)
  • Registration – On the NAUI core website and the NAUI mobile app


  • Entrance to Bass Lake or Miracle Waters

What’s next?

Once you confirm your interest and payment is made, a “Meet & Greet “meeting, will be arranged where you will meet your instructor, who will introduce you to rescue scuba diving. Together you will set up the course calendar and activate your electronic course material